Hippocrates and the new technology of Heart Guard.

Hippocrates and the new technology of Heart Guard.

Hippocrates and the new technology of Heart Guard. 

More than 2000 years ago Hippocrates observed that lowering the temperature of wounded patients reduce bleeding and other damage (Hippocrates: De Vetere Medicina. 460–375 BC). In this ancient “publication” we meet the first notice about organ protection by lowering the metabolism. 

Metabolism is just the way our cells use oxygen to produce energy. When there is no oxygen, the metabolism still goes on what leads to cell death. Unfortunately, our organisms have no such function like self-protection. Metabolism must be switched off manually to protect the cells. 

In 20th century cardiac surgery evolved because physicians were able to switch off heart metabolism while performing open heart procedures. Every day all over the world it is done by cardioplegic solution infusion to heart arteries. In the begging of 21st century colleagues from Harvard proved that suboptimal lowering of heart metabolism during heart surgery leads to increased death rate. 

And now we are creating a new medical device to look inside arrested heart and check if cell protection is optimal. The aim of Heart Guard introduction is to use the fact observed 2000 years ago to improve the safety of cardiac surgery now.